The Do's And Don'ts of Vaping
Vaping has become a popular hobby over the past decade. If you are new to the hobby, there is a learning curve. In this article, we’re showing you the do’s and don’ts for using vape cartridges. We’re going to start off with things beginners should avoid when vaping, and then give you a short list of things you should focus on doing.
Do’s of Vape
Keep it clean. Keeping your vape device clean is important. Doing so will ensure that the vapor produced is flavorful and free of any unwanted residue. Keep the mouthpiece clean by wiping it daily with a damp, anti-bacterial cloth. Wipe down any gunk from the atomizer tank and other connections, as well as the battery area of the mod pod.
Get permission before vaping. Vapes are a convenient way to enjoy your favorite cannabis oil or flower. When vaping in public, be considerate of others and ask before you fire it up. Some people are fine with e-cigarettes, but some aren’t. If your device isn’t super discreet and can blow clouds of vapor into someone’s face then it may not be the best idea. However, if you ask politely first then most people will be okay with the idea of doing it indoors.
Observe smoking rules. You have to follow the same rules as smokers in public places like airports, offices and restaurants. Smoking bans can include vapes, e-cigarettes and even smokeless tobacco. Even when you are outside, check that you are in a designated smoking area before lighting up.
Clean your atomizer coils regularly. The coil is also the most expensive part of your vape pen and one that needs to be maintained carefully. If you do not change or clean the coils regularly, it'll be burnt quickly and give out burnt taste that can overpower your juice flavor. In addition to this, sugary flavors can quickly gunk up your coils, so make sure to clean them if you are into sweet juices.
Safely store the vape cartridge. Storing your cartridge is important to maintain its quality. Store it in a cool, dark place to make it last longer. If your e-liquid has been exposed to heat or sunlight, consider refrigerating it to ensure freshness. Heat and sunlight can cause e-liquids to alter their taste and color. You can refrigerate it to ensure its freshness.
Know the style of vape experience you prefer. If you want to figure out which vape setup is best for you, it’s important that you know the different vaping styles. Knowing how you prefer to inhale your herb will guide you toward a setup that fits your needs.

Don’ts of Vape
Do not leave it in the sun. Do not leave your vape in an area that is a high temperature or above room temperature. If it’s too hot or cold, you run the risk of ruining your cartridge and battery. As you know, the sun is hot and can damage things. In addition to your skin and hair, it can also damage your vaping device. If you leave your vape in the sun too long, it could overheat and catch on fire.
Do not charge overnight. Although it’s convenient, charging your e-cigarette overnight is not one of the Don’ts of Vaping. Most accidents involving smokeless cigarettes occur when batteries are charging or being used in unknown ways. The best practice is to charge your device only when you have time to monitor it and unplug it when it’s fully charged.
Do not charge your vape with your phone or laptop. This can lead to damage. Charging your vape improperly could result in damage to the device and even cause you harm. We recommend that you use only high quality charging equipment that came with it. Also make sure that it runs on its own voltage, and never charge it with other gadgets like your phone or laptop as it may be damaged.
Do not be a cloud clod. Vaping etiquette is pretty simple, but there are a few things you should not do. Most people would not mind you vaping around them, but surely none of them would appreciate having clouds blown in their face. If you are in a restaurant or bar, do not fill up the space with vapor. You can either use a device that makes smaller clouds or simply go outside. Another thing you need to avoid is creating huge plumes of vapor without realizing it. You should always ensure the vapor is coming out of your mouth rather than inhaling it straight into your lungs.
Avoid vaping around children. While it is true that vaping is far less harmful than smoking, and e-liquids contain fewer toxic chemicals than cigarettes, there are still some concerning ingredients in e-juice. These include nicotine, which can be addictive to young people and lead them to experiment with other drugs later on; diacetyl, which causes a disease called popcorn lung; and acrolein, which can harm the human body’s proteins or organs if inhaled regularly over long periods of time.
These are just a few tips and tricks to help you have an enjoyable vaping experience. Vaping is a fun but also a responsible activity. To have the most enjoyable experience or to simply minimize any damage from it, be aware of what you need to do, and the things you should not do. Use the information in this guide to get the most out of vaping. When you are done reading this guide, don't forget to check out our highly recommended products for every vaping beginner!
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Posted on by Eve MitchellThanks for mentioning that it’s important to not charge your vape overnight. I’ve been vaping for two years, but I’d like to get a new pen since mine is having trouble charging. I’ll make sure to visit a smoke shop this week.
Posted on by toot vapourThank you for sharing your blog, seems to be useful information can’t wait to dig deep!